I was working a part time job at the time and use to walk past a shoe store every time I worked. Running has also been a sport I like to do for fitness and for photography can always make some great imagery. I met Olly Woolrych at this store and we got chatting. He was in the midst of training for his epic running adventure, Running from the Blues, a run from Mexico city to Panama city a distance of about 5500km over 6 months and all to raise awareness of mental health for charity Beyond Blue.
Olly lives in the same area as I and we managed to line up to two different shoots at different locations. No structure to them, just go out on the trails where he trains and create some images we can both use to promote what we do.
We got lucky on both shoots with some fantastic light, a little rain on the first but nothing that dampened our spirits too much. Olly is a character and has a great attitude jumping for the camera and working up a sweat as I would yell out “Just once more Olly” a common cry athletes hear as I am in the excited moment of capturing the light that could fade at any moment.
Gilbert Romane
+61 459 200 212