Different Week Different Light

What a difference one week makes. Same trails but different riders and wheels but same track plus throw in some hectic weather during the week and it all makes for some exciting new images.

Last week the XC racers had their go on the dusty and dark forest of Ourimbah, this week the Enduro racers were treated to mud and more open, fast gravity fed trails. Thankfully Ourimbah’s aquaphobia allowed the crazy amount of rain to shed in time for Sunday’s racing. With three tracks to choose from and not having shot Enduro here for 2 years, I knew the main race track, Fox, would be my pick as it was situated in a more sunny position and probably the driest.

So many great riders in all categories showed up to race, from the young gun, ladies in abundance and of course the elites racing for glory. Few unexpected riders from interstate and some BMXers racing MTB.

Features were easy to find, some hard to shoot as the skill levels were a mixed bag, some capable of gapping features others, taking the safer lines. The light was on song, being warm and predominantly side lighting created some nice shape on the subjects. As always photography is about light, lack of it or its position will always make or break a photo. Flash still used here to help ensure no dark faces under helmet visors or just make the rider pop a little more. Carefully placed and you don’t even know it is there.

Thanks to everyone for such a great weekend and see you again soon track side.

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