Passion for sports and outdoors drives me to create images whether photo stills or video of athletes doing what they love.


  As I look back now at nearly a decade of intent focus on capturing lifestyle visuals whether the action of sport, outdoors of world travel or working with brands to share their story I am certain of one thing.  I wouldn’t have it any other way.  The people I have met over the years, places I have seen and experiences witnessed during this time has been an honour.

  It all started for me as a young kid in Canada growing up with friends also passionate about the outdoors and this passion has stuck my whole life.  Pursuing sport took main stage as a cyclist competing at national levels in Canada and then in Australia taught me many things.  Hard work and persistence wins the race, top level success is not achieved first go you need to keep at it and not give up if you want success at anything.  This is my driving force now with creating images and working with other athletes and passionate outdoors people.  To tell their story and help them reach goals they set.  

  Working with event organisers capturing editorial images for marketing is a fulfilling part of my work.  Helping them build an event through my images and videos is very challenging and satisfying as I get to spend time working outdoors and with others fulfilling their goals of achieving success in sport. 

  The freedom to create advertising content that inspires others is where I really love to work.  Interpreting a clients brief and working with them to encourage others to get outdoors, stay fit, or enjoy a sport whether professional or as a hobby is a labour of passion. 

  Photography always interested me as a youngster but sport gave me that rush like anything else.  So creating visuals took a back seat.  After many years racing then realising a “normal” job was needed I studied Information Technology getting a diploma as an network engineer.  After nearly a decade working in one of Australia’s most established press agencies, AAP, and at events like the 2000 Olympics and Brisbane Goodwill Games I moved on to start my own business.  I remember at times hanging with the image department staff and borrowing the staff photographers 500m lens so I could go shoot sports near the event centre, having an accreditation of “photo” got me into more places than “technical” would have and when I think back, it is a funny coincidence seeing where I am now.

  But we don’t change and our inner personality is set at young age so a thanks to my scout leader and his slide nights reliving hiking trips with parents or to my school friends parents who organised annual bike trips creating those early memories which have now sparked a lifetime of wanting to capture my own lifestyle visuals. 


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