Visuals 2020


2020 as we all know was a year that made us bend and hopefully not break.  It threw many challenges at us all but I am thankful for many of the changes it forced upon myself and how it created opportunities to look into new work.  Predominantly work for me is photographing sports events in particular MTB and trail running but that all changed very suddenly.

I wanted to branch out a little when I could and try some new genres.  Yoga was the first one to fill the frame but not long after that started was shut down.

Thats OK as much of the work I had in mind could be carried out during the week and did not necessarily mean loads of travel to the event locations which seems to be ever expanding as the calendar nears full.  With events at a complete standstill for a period I did what many did and pottered about the office tidying up stuff I had on the back burner.  Not knowing how long we would actually be restricted a few months passed and then I knew an event of 500 people was not going to happen again any time soon.   

Luckily I have a good network of clients and people and thankful that OzTent needed some studio and outdoor work for their camping outdoor products.  This filled many months and taught me not to have so many eggs in one basket.  Once life returned to a little normal I reached out to a local gym that interested me and shortly after we started creating content, Fitness Boxx has been a great saviour both health wise and my creativity.  The gym was a double edge sword, needing to get back some fitness from my younger years but also to start shooting ideas that did not need to happen on a weekend.  Weekends are a premium for me and when things are running normally I don’t seem to have any free ones to shoot new work. 

Events eventually kicked off again especially with Rocky Trail Entertainment as they are smaller scale and could quite smartly adapt to what was permitted running 1-day events over 3.  This meant some extended time on  the trails when many others where still left twiddling their thumbs.  Thankful is a word that does not even come close to describing this work.   2021 will be the 10th year that I have been shooting for Martin and Juliane, I feel it’s going to be something special.  

Some gear wasn’t being used as often and bringing in income so I figured it was time to sell off a few items and with their proceeds invest in some new kit.  With Nikon entering the mirrorless world with the Z series, I knew it was time to give that a go.  This would predominantly be for video work as I still had a couple DSLR bodies that are too good and new to just sell on and take a financial hit.  Thankfully the FTZ adapter gives me full access to all the Nikkor lenses I already have and start using some of the new Z series glass too.  Wow.  Impressed indeed.  It wont be very long before all the kit is changed over I am sure.  

As part of my annual visuals review I look at what I shot, how I shot it and mostly why.  What for me in 2020 was a little limiting as I could not chase projects as much as I would normally like to but that did mean I had time to shoot some images that I normally wouldn’t have.  One key benefit to my annual review especially of this crazy year just gone, is to look at new ways to find work not just relying upon the same old ones.  Something every photographer should be doing whether in difficult times or thriving ones.  I will admit that towards the end of 2020 I was getting pretty flat, felt I was shooting the same images at the same events.  First world problems I know but we all need to feel inspired in what we do and for me new always inspires me even if I apply back to my regular work.   So with every struggle, challenge or obstacle we face we can learn and become better so I actually say “thank you” 2020 but step aside now as I’ve got some ideas for 2021 I need to get cracking on. 

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